


brambleshadow4 is a professional software developer and hobbyist musician.

He’s been an active member of the MLP fandom since 2014, and in that time he has developed a number of coding projects like and and released a couple dozen pony songs.

To see them and the rest of our Guests and Panelists, make sure to register for your badge today!

Why Pipp?

Hoof Work Room

Like seriously, why do people like Pipp? Is she actually a good character, or do Bronies just like her because of the memes and her design? Come join Brass Scribe and brambleshadow4 as we discuss why we like or don’t like Pipp using real data & opinions from real Bronies online as well as the […]

All Ages Event

Share Your Stuff!

Sleepy Bean Pavilion

The MLP Fandom is full of creative people, from artists, to animators, to musicians, to coders! Because there’s so many of us, not everything has the chance to get a spot in the limelight, and many of us are unaware of all the cool things the people around us make! But no longer! At this […]

All Ages Event