Lucky Star

Lucky Star


Hi! I’m Heather aka Lucky Star in the fandom. I am an OG fan from the 80’s MLP and have never stopped loving the show and the friendships it has brought.

I am an artist and crafter making pony art and enjoy writing fanfiction. Most folks know me as Volrathxp’s wife LOL! I also am an avid lover of horses and have been in the Equine Industry for over 25 years, which is what inspired me to create my first panel.

To see them and the rest of our Guests and Panelists, make sure to register for your badge today!

Could a Pony Survive This?

Deep Dish Room

Horses are unique creatures- big and strong like Applejack, fast as Rainbow Dash, intelligent like Twilight, can be introverted and shy like Fluttershy and can be quirky and diva-ish like Pinkie Pie and Rairty. The Ponies of Ponyville get into all sorts of antics including getting hurt. But could they actually survive their injuries to […]

All Ages Event