Generations Against Bullying

Whinny City Pony Con is proud and honored to once again partner with About Face Theater as our charity for 2024!

WCPC24 Charity Announcement

We are constantly looking for ways to make our events more impactful; not only in the memories of our attendees, but also for the community around us as a whole. Last year we discovered a wonderful local organization and are very excited to support them again as our charity.

About Face Theater (AFT) is a Chicago-based, nationally renowned theater company that “advances LGBTQ+ equity through community building, education, and performance.” After reading their own words describing themselves and their vision, we immediately knew they would be a perfect recipient for our Charity Auction and other fundraising efforts this year:


All our charity events will help to raise money for their mission. We are very excited to work with them again for a second year!

We hope our attendees and guests are as excited about this partnership as we are!