


Hiya! I’m the crazy pony behind numerous small projects such as Cards Against Bronies, FimFetch, and now BronyTales, the largest MLP Minecraft server currently out there. I love engaging with and contributing back to the brony community.

Lock Picking and Security Demos

Tabletop Gaming - Events

Ever wonder about the mechanisms that keep your doors locked? Or maybe you’ve watched one too many LockPickingLawyer vidfeos and think yourself an expert? Or maybe you just want to hang out with some lock nerds? We will be demoing lock fundamentals and answering questions you may have about locksport and lock security! Stop on […]

All Ages Event

Discorded UNO!

Tabletop Gaming - Events

Have you ever thought that UNO was too simple, far too short, and not frustrating enough? No? Well too bad, this is Discorded UNO. We took (at least) 7 different versions of UNO and smashed them together into one towering mega deck. Each version has its own set of colors, rules, and level of rage-inducement. […]

All Ages Event

Lock Picking and Security Demos

Tabletop Gaming - Events

Ever wonder about the mechanisms that keep your doors locked? Or maybe you’ve watched one too many LockPickingLawyer vidfeos and think yourself an expert? Or maybe you just want to hang out with some lock nerds? We will be demoing lock fundamentals and answering questions you may have about locksport and lock security! Stop on […]

All Ages Event

Cards Against Equestria for Charity (18+)

Mustard Mark Room

Coming back is a game to rob you of some innocence of cartoon horses you have left. For a black card to be played, a donation to charity will be needed. Not only can this be a lot of laughs but goes for a good cause as well. The host will be matching total donations […]

18+ Event Charity Event

Lock Picking and Security Demos

Tabletop Gaming - Events

Ever wonder about the mechanisms that keep your doors locked? Or maybe you’ve watched one too many LockPickingLawyer vidfeos and think yourself an expert? Or maybe you just want to hang out with some lock nerds? We will be demoing lock fundamentals and answering questions you may have about locksport and lock security! Stop on […]

All Ages Event