Fiaura The Tank Girl

Fiaura The Tank Girl

Writer, Content Creator, Scientist

Fiaura The Tank Girl is the writer of Fallout: Equestria Dead Tree, the current final of the Big Side Stories, and is working on something new, an original work.


In addition, Fiaura The Tank Girl works tirelessly in the realm of science and understanding to look at things from the perspective of: “How does that work if I do the math?”

Fiaura has analyzed My Little Pony, Dozens of Anime, Fandoms as a whole instead of just the work they are a part of, Fan Fiction, and Sci-Fi TV shows all in the name of working towards understanding the Why we like something and How to make it work within the bounds of our reality.

To meet them and the rest of our Guests, make sure to register for your badge today!

Crazy Theories that Never Made it in MLP

Hoof Work Room

I have some pretty insane ideas that were for science panels that either didn’t pan out, were unresearchable, or just impossible to test really but might have been unique. So let’s talk about those theories, everything from Luna being the perfect propaganda machine for all of Equestria to what actually traumatized Rarity into being a […]

All Ages Event

Fallout Equestria – What it is and Why You Should Care!

Hoof Work Room

Ever wonder what all these cosplayers showing up in Fallout cosplay blended with ponies is? Well, Fiaura here has the answer for why it’s so popular, what makes it great and awful at the same time, and also, why you should care even if you’re not interested in Fallout or Wastelands! Because it has far-reaching […]

All Ages Event

Why Adults Enjoy Ponies aka Brony Church

Hoof Work Room

Ever Wonder why Adults watch My Little Pony or have Conventions? Let’s take a long look at the things the show attempts to tackle in child-friendly way. Depression? Work Problems? Isolationism? Meeting New People? Feeling your Friends have left you? The show covers all of this! Let’s Talk about it.

All Ages Event