Jake The Army Guy has been writing fan fiction for both the MLP and Undertale fandoms for over a decade. A former US Army Broadcaster and Drill Sergeant, he now pals around with his service dog Jasper, offering writing advice and ear scritches wherever he goes. (NOTE: ear scritches are for Jasper, not for you. Sorry.)
Have you created an original character? It’s a good character, but do you want to make that character better? More evil? More relatable? More three-dimensional? You’re in luck! For I, The OC Doctor, am here to help! Relatable flaws, easily understandable goals, a moral code, or lack thereof! All these traits, techniques, and more will […]
Look! Up in the Sky! Is it a bird?! Is it a plane?! No! It’s a HERO! Everyone loves a hero! That champion who comes in and saves the day despite the odds! But what makes a hero? How does one create a hero that captures the hearts and minds of all those that meet […]