The OC Doctor

The OC Doctor


Who is The OC Doctor: I am The OC Doctor, also known as Captain Unstoppable on fimfiction. I’ve been making Original Characters for the past twenty years and have been helping people with their OCs as the Doctor since BronyCon 2018. I have always enjoyed helping others with their writings and story building. In my years of creating original characters I have found a set of guidelines to help fellow creators make original and creative characters, without making the same mistakes I did early on.

The Doctor is In! Original Characters 101!

Mustard Mark Room

Have you created an original character? It’s a good character, but do you want to make that character better? More evil? More relatable? More three-dimensional? You’re in luck! For I, The OC Doctor, am here to help! Relatable flaws, easily understandable goals, a moral code, or lack thereof! All these traits, techniques, and more will […]

All Ages Event

The Doctor is In! Heroes 101!

Hoof Work Room

Look! Up in the Sky! Is it a bird?! Is it a plane?! No! It’s a HERO! Everyone loves a hero! That champion who comes in and saves the day despite the odds! But what makes a hero? How does one create a hero that captures the hearts and minds of all those that meet […]

All Ages Event