

Rock, Acoustic, Blues

Loudsdale is DoTheDaringDew and Luck Rock!

DoTheDaringDew is a songwriter from Dallas, Texas and has been a part of this crazy ride since early 2012. He has been to his fair share of pony conventions, performing on both stages and out in the halls. Whether he is doing that or running silly pony panels, Dewie brings an energy and passion to the show and fandom he loves!

Luck Rock is a longtime musician and promoter in the fandom. His love of live pony music dates back to the first show he saw in 2012 and he looks to share that same energy and excitement that drew him to this family of a fandom!

The BASS Ball – Loudsdale

Mane Events

Don’t miss Loudsdale’s BASS Ball performance!

All Ages Event Musician Event

Come Meet the Friday Musicians

Mustard Mark

Our first concert of the weekend was a blast, and if you want to meet the people behind the music, now’s your chance! Our Friday night musicians are all here for you to talk to and chat with about (what else?) music!

All Ages Event Musician Event